7 Quotes & Sayings By Aaron Schock

Aaron Schock is an American politician, entrepreneur and television host. He was elected to the United States House of Representatives in 2010 as a Republican, and was re-elected in 2012 and 2014. He resides and serves as a member of Congress representing Illinois's 18th district located in Peoria and some surrounding suburbs. He is the owner of Aaron Schock, Inc., a marketing and public relations firm Read more

Schock has been featured on FOX News for hosting The Opening Act, a live after-school television program that he produces and hosts about youth issues.

I take four planes a week, honestly. You know, I am for intelligence screening. Aaron Schock
Each year I host a leadership summit in my district, and my biggest advice to young people is get experience. Get your foot in the door. Aaron Schock
Exercise is more important than diet for me because it's a twofer. It keeps me in good physical shape, and it relieves stress. And when you're a representative of the public, there's never a shortage of things to do. Aaron Schock
The biggest misconception people have about me is that when they see how young I am, they think, 'Oh, this guy must have always wanted to be in politics; his parents must have been politically connected.' I'm a finance major and always intended to go into business. Aaron Schock
When 'Men's Health' reached out and said, 'Will you be on the 'Today Show' and do a fitness challenge?' I said, 'OK. I'm not showing them anything they don't already know.' But I'm going to take what some would argue is a negative or not substantive and turn it into a substantive thing to hopefully do some good for people. Aaron Schock
Your belief system tends to be a function of how you were raised. Being raised in the Midwest and in a relatively conservative household, my views were shaped by my upbringing, by my Christian faith. Aaron Schock